Beyond The Decibel 27/6/2023
Beyond The Decibel - is a project I created along-side some colleagues from university, it consists of an interactive webpage that communicates and explores the issue of sound pollution in London. For this project, we focused on how sound pollution is specially affecting us (the members of the group), so we conducted an experiment were each member of the team recorded both field recordings and decibels levels from their commute to university. Then we gathered the data and analysed it to see how sound pollution is affecting us individually. We got shocking results in the experiment, uncovering how much exposure we had to damaging decibel levels.
The main aspect of our website is an interactive map that I coded. The map is quite abstract, it contains up to scale trails of each individual members commute to university. Along that trail there is specific points in the line that are marked by a circle. When the circle is clicked, a field recording that was recorded in that spot starts playing, paired with an info box that labels the sound levels in that point. The purpose of the map was to give the user an experience of our personal journeys to university, giving them fragments of the soundscape we experience in our day to day life and unmasking the decibel levels of it. By this creating awareness about the issue.
As mentioned before, my task in this project was to code the website and the interactive map. I used JavaScript, HTML and CSS to create it.
Link to website.